
The following committees were formed during the reorganization meeting on January 27, 2019. Each committee is chaired by an at-large member of the Executive Board.

Membership & Outreach Committee
Chair: Vacant

IT & Tech Committee
Chair: Vacant
Committee Members: Matt Woodward, Justin Baird

PR & Social Media Committe
Chair: Robin Leigh

Fundraising & Events Committee
Chair: Josh Sanders

Advocacy Committee
Co-Chairs: Tim Noonan & Sharon Abreu

Endorsements Committee
Chair: To Be Appointed
Members: Robin Leigh, Justin Baird, Sharon Abreu, Kathryn Keller, Sylvia Haven, Tim Noonan, Bunny Hatcher, Donald Smith, Ann and Zahid Chaudhry, Thom Garrard, Roxanne Thayer

Chair Jessica Soderman is an ex-officio member of all committees.